“It's funny how just the simple act of answering a day's worth of e-mail will keep the crushing inevitability of the entropic heat death of the universe at bay for a good half hour to an hour.”
John Scalzi

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

Fri 2005-07-29 21:46:39 (in context)
  • 2,100 words (if poetry, lines) long
  • 37,148 words (if poetry, lines) long
  • 57.75 hrs. revised

Still crawling along through Chapter 7. Spent half the time tweaking the already-written bits (bad habit! quit it! get the new version written!) and the rest eking out five paragraphs of internal monologue.

Got some stunning good news today. My article, "Faith Based Charity, Pagan Style," will see print in the next issue of PanGaia Magazine. The piece has been pushed back for several issues now, up in the air between PanGaia and newWitch as part of the usual uncertainty that surrounds any busy family of publications, so you can imagine how very pleased and surprised I was to get the phone call today. Watch this space for me crowing about it when the issue hits the stores.

Oh, and the new blog? Coming along nicely. I foresee the Big Move happening over the weekend or shortly thereafter.

So I guess you should actually watch that space for all the crowing.
