“A novel is something that stands at the end of a lengthy process called writing.”
Victoria Nelson

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

Belated Sunday Report
Mon 2005-11-21 18:07:14 (in context)
  • 30,115 words (if poetry, lines) long

First off: It's getting to be Fruitcake Season. Time to go shopping for dried fruits and nuts and liquor. I'm thinking rum this year. Nice dark rum. Solistice is said to be December 21st this year, so I'm telling everyone that our open house vigil with Yule log and dawn carpool/caravan to Red Rocks for Drumming Up The Sun will be Tuesday the 20th.

Second: My recommended daily word quota starting Monday (today) is 1989.

Third: My characters are wallowing. None of them are communicating with each other, and they're all bloody miserable. I think I really shall send in the ninjas. Actually, what I'm sending in is the escaped antagonist who's after Brooke. Nothing like actual assault and battery to liven up an emotional melodrama. "Hey you! You pathetic people! Here's a catalyst--now act on it!"

And that's all for now. More in 2,000 words. No, I mean it this time.
